Outdoor Adventures,  Travel

Airplanes and Green Space at Castle Island in Boston

“Mama, plane!!!” That’s what I hear every time Little Man sees an airplane.  So, when Brit (from over at Traveling Carrs) suggested we take a trip to Castle Island in Boston, we eagerly agreed! Castle Island is right under the landing path for Logan Airport, so you get to see lots of planes up close.  In addition to amazing plane spotting, there is lots to do with the littles!

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When we first got there, we headed off to the playground.  My kiddos LOVE playgrounds, and I have to admit, I am liking them more now that Little Man is older.  L is an awesome big sister and follows him around up on the structure, so I can supervise from ground level.  It’s pretty amazing not having to navigate little tube things and wobbly bridges!! Castle Island playground has two structures; one for the older kiddos and one for the littles.  Luckily, L was willing to play on littles’ structure, so we hung out on that one.

Castle Island Playground

After playing at the playground (which also includes swings), we headed over to Sullivan’s for some lunch.

Sullivan's Castle Island

Don’t let the long line deter you; it moves really quickly.  We were at the back of this line and we maybe waited 5 minutes.  But be aware – the inside is pretty small and once you get in there, you get called to one of the 4 (or more!) registers to order, super fast.  I was that tourist who brought in her huge jogging stroller and didn’t have her money out.  Don’t be me… ha.  I totally ended up blocking the walk-path with my stroller and I couldn’t find the pocket in which I stashed my money in my huge bag.  So, my advice is to leave the stroller outside (if possible), and have your money ready!! However, the food is super yummy (I had fish and chips and I’m pretty sure the haddock was caught less than 12 hours before) and very reasonably priced.  Although there are a bunch of picnic tables around the restaurant, we walked up behind it and parked ourselves under a tree.  The kids LOVED having a picnic while watching planes land.

Castle Island Picnic

After lunch, the kiddos ran around a bit; there is TONS of green space and room to run, so they were able to burn lots of energy!

Castle Island

We also watched a few more planes…

Castle Island plane
photo credit to Brit @ Traveling Carrs

On one side of the island, there are beautiful views of Boston Harbor.

castle island ocean

And did I mention the space to run and play?

Castle Island castle

The other side of the island (closer to the parking and playground) provides views of Boston.

castle island boston

If you’re lucky, you’ll even get to see two planes landing at about the same time!

two planes castle island

There is a “beach” there, as well.  I use that term loosely, as it’s all rocks and you definitely need shoes.  Luckily, Brit had warned me, so my kiddos were wearing their Keens. (Keens are our favorite summer shoes! They can get wet, cover the toes, and are sturdy to walk in!)  They had a blast throwing rocks into the water while watching planes fly over.

Castle Island beach

Castle Island is also home to Fort Independence and tours are offered on Saturday and Sunday (make sure to check the website for exact info). There is also a “real” beach adjacent to Castle Island, so the kiddos could do some swimming and digging if you wanted to make a day of it.

We had a wonderful time at Castle Island in Boston and the kiddos are still talking about all of the planes they saw (“Lots of Delta planes!”).

If you’re looking for more outdoor adventures in the Boston area, check out the Blue Hills Reservation!

I hope that your family enjoys this adventure as much as mine did!


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